The Metamorphoses, by Ovid, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics:
• New introductions commissioned from todays top writers and scholars
• Biographies of the authors
• Chronologies of contemporary...
The Metamorphoses of Ovid (8 AD) is an epic poem by Ovid. Published the same year, the poet was, sent into exile for the rest of his life, the Metamorphoses are the crowning achievement of the first major poet of the Roman empire. Written in dactylic hexameter, the meter of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and of Virgil's Aeneid, Ovid's work is an epic poem of transformations, of shape-shifting matter and beings bound to the power of love. Taking as its...
3) Amores
"The first taste I had for books came to me from my pleasure in the fables of the Metamorphoses of Ovid. For at about seven or eight years of age I would steal away from any other pleasure to read them, inasmuch as this language was my mother tongue, and it was the easiest book I knew and the best suited by its content to my tender age." –Michel de Montaigne
The Amores (16 BC) is a book of love elegies by Ovid. Divided into three books, The...
"The Fasti", a work structured on the Roman calendar, is believed to have been left incomplete when Ovid was exiled to Tomis by the emperor Augustus in 8 A.D. It is a series of elegiac couplets which present the first-hand accounts of vates, or "poet-prophets" with Roman deities regarding the origin of various Roman holidays and associated customs. The first six months of the year are all that is included in the work and it is unclear whether this...
The Roman poet known to the English speaking world as Ovid is best known for his work Metamorphoses, a mythological epic which chronicles the history of the world from its creation to the deification of Julius Caesar. Widely considered as one of the most important authors of Latin literature, Ovid produced an extensive body of work. Some of these works have been lost to history and in the case of the works of this volume have a doubtful attribution...
A la fois drle et sérieux, découvrez l'un des plus vieux textes érotiques existants
L'Art d'Aimer est une œuvre en vers écrite à Rome vers l'an 1 de notre ère. Elle demeure un des textes érotiques parmi les plus célèbres au monde. Le poète Ovide s'adresse à nous comme à des élèves, garçons et filles, auxquels il va enseigner l'art d'aimer et de séduire, d'abord aux hommes dans les deux premiers livres, puis aux femmes dans le dernier....
L'une des plus célèbres oeuvres de l'Antiquité en numérique.
Poèmes de narration mythologique, Les Métamorphoses est l'œuvre majeure d'Ovide. Ces poèmes sont composés de 15 Chants (environ 12 000 vers) entre l'an I et sans doute l'an IX ou X. Ce sont des récits issus de la mythologie grecque et romaine, Ovide décrit avec soin les transformations des dieux et des hommes en animaux, plantes ou pierres depuis la création du monde jusqu'au...
8) The Fasti
"The Fasti" was believed to have been left incomplete when Ovid was exiled to Tomis by the emperor Augustus in 8 AD. The work, which is structured based on the Roman calendar, is a series of elegiac couplets which present the first-hand accounts of vates, or "poet-prophets" with Roman deities regarding the origin of various Roman holidays and associated customs. The first six months of the year are all that is included in the work and it is unclear...
Ovid's Metamorphoses is one of the most influential works of Western literature, inspiring artists and writers from Titian to Shakespeare to Salman Rushdie. These are some of the most famous Roman myths as you've never read them before―sensuous, dangerously witty, audacious―from the fall of Troy to birth of the minotaur, and many others that only appear in the Metamorphoses. Connected together by the immutable laws of change and metamorphosis,...
Ovid's masterpiece, "Metamorphoses," is a poem that portrays the transformation of people into animals, rivers, and stones. The narrative focuses on the moment of the metamorphoses rather than the life of the transformations. Written in Latin and translated by Bocage, it is a continuous poem with abrupt transitions across its fifteen books. "Metamorphoses" is a fascinating literary work of great historical and cultural significance. Through Ovid's...
For over two thousand years, readers have delighted in Ovid's playful eloquence; his influence on other writers has ranged from Dante and Chaucer to Shakespeare and Milton. This selection of 30 stories from the verse translation by F. A. Wright of Ovid's famous work, The Metamorphoses, does full justice to the poet's elegance and wit. All of the tales involve a form of metamorphosis, or transformation, and are peopled by the gods, demigods, and mortals...
"The first taste I had for books came to me from my pleasure in the fables of the Metamorphoses of Ovid. For at about seven or eight years of age I would steal away from any other pleasure to read them, inasmuch as this language was my mother tongue, and it was the easiest book I knew and the best suited by its content to my tender age." –Michel de Montaigne
Remedia Amoris; or, The Remedy of Love (2 AD) is an instructional poem by Ovid. A sequel...
"The first taste I had for books came to me from my pleasure in the fables of the Metamorphoses of Ovid. For at about seven or eight years of age I would steal away from any other pleasure to read them, inasmuch as this language was my mother tongue, and it was the easiest book I knew and the best suited by its content to my tender age." –Michel de Montaigne
Ars Amatoria; or, The Art of Love (2 AD) is an instructional poem by Ovid. Divided into...
14) Metamorfosis
La obra maestra de Ovidio: Las Metamorfosis, es un poema que retrata la transformación de las personas en animales, ríos y piedras. La narración se centra en el momento de las metamorfosis, no tanto en la vida de las metamorfosis. Escrito en latín y traducido por Bocage, es un poema continuo con transiciones abruptas en los quince libros "Metamorfosis" es una obra literaria fascinante y de gran importancia histórica y cultural. A través de la...
15) Pónticas
Publio Ovidio Nasón (43 a. C.-17 d. C.) es uno de los poetas capitales de la literatura latina. Nacido en Sulmona, demostró desde siempre una extraordinaria facilidad para versificar, lo cual le llevó a ser muy prolífico y cultivar con éxito diversos géneros. Fue poeta de moda entre sus contemporáneos, hasta que una repentina decisión del emperador Augusto lo condenó a vivir desterrado en Tomos, una ciudad en los confines del imperio, a orillas...
"The Love Books of Ovid" is a collection of four works of Roman poet Ovid's verses on love in English prose translation. Ovid, born in 43 B.C., a contemporary of Virgil and Horace, lived during the reign of Augustus and is perhaps best remembered today for his work on Roman mythology entitled "The Metamorphoses". This volume collects the poet's following works: "The Loves", "The Art of Love", "Love's Cure", and "The Art of Beauty". Ovid was an innovator...
The Lover's Assistant; or, New Art of Love (1760) is an updated translation of Ovid's Ars Amatoria; or, The Art of Love (2 AD) by English satirist Henry Fielding. Divided into three books, Ars Amatoria; or, The Art of Love was immensely popular-if a little controversial-in its time, and has survived numerous charges of indecency over the centuries. For the modern reader, it should prove a surprisingly relatable work on intimacy from an author of the...
18) The Love Poems
The Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid) is best known for his epic poem Metamorphoses, a collection of myths and legends from Ancient Greece and Rome. His works continue to be widely read and admired, and he is regarded as one of the most significant poets of ancient Rome.
Ovid's love poems are both brilliant and evocative. In Amores ('Loves'), the romantic mysteriousness of elegiac love-poetry is exploded by his witty and ironic treatment of...
19) L'art d'aimer
Ovide est né en -43 et mourut en l'an 17 de notre ère. Originaire de Sulmone, en Italie centrale, il avait étudié le droit et travaillé comme juriste avant de s'adonner à la poésie. Ses ¿uvres les plus connues et les plus célèbres sont Les Métamorphoses et L'Art d'aimer. Lors de sa sortie à Rome, il y a 2000 ans, L'Art d'aimer a été immédiatement populaire. Au XXIème siècle, L'Art d'aimer est encore joué au théâtre et son influence...
Auch 2000 Jahre nach der Niederschrift haben Ovids Versdichtungen nichts von ihrem Zauber verloren. Die vorliegende Auswahl erzählt vom Schicksal der klassischen Liebespaare der Antike: "Venus und Adonis", "Acis und Galatea", "Philemon und Baucis", "Scylla und Minos" und "Narcissus und Echo".